Introducing the 2022 - 2023 Va’ad Leadership Team!

Another summer has come and gone and your team at Hillel at Miami is experiencing what we always experience at the beginning of August – the feeling of it being ‘go time’. Fueled by copious amounts of caffeine and excitement to be starting another academic year a little wiser and a lot refreshed, we enter the countdown to the first day of classes with our first FreshFest (a week of programming specifically for first year students) since 2019. With funds raised from last year’s successful #MoveinMiami fundraiser, we were able to purchase a frappuccino machine and a mobile ice chest, which our Engagement team has filled up with cold brews and La Croixs for handing out to families who are moving their students into dorms and apartments across Oxford. This summer saw several of our team members traveling to various professional development experiences – Katie Spector, Engagement Director, attended Hillel International’s Dwell conference and Avi Dave, Springboard Fellow, was able to spend 3 weeks in Israel studying at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. We also celebrated in the joy of our Operations Manager, Ben Flox, getting married to his incredible partner (and Hillel volunteer), Kristen Edwards. Israel Fellow, Yonadav Grossman, was able to be in Israel for the month of July for some much needed family time and has just arrived back and is already recruiting for this winter’s Birthright Israel Trip. And myself? I was able to spend a month in the beauty of the Upper North Woods in Wisconsin working at Camp Ramah. What a gift the summer has been for your Hillel at Miami team! 

As we dig deeper into plans for the first 50 days of school and the High Holiday season feeling refreshed and renewed, it is such a pleasure to also introduce our new 2022 - 2023 Hillel at Miami Student Leadership team. This team of student leaders will be leading and owning all aspects of programming for the Jewish student community at Miami. We, the staff of Hillel at Miami, could not be more thrilled to work with such a wonderful group of leaders. 

Shabbat Shalom and see you soon!



Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!


In Defense of Humanity